Monday, July 24, 2023

7/2: Free day - Taipei Zoo

 Today was our last free day and our last day before going to Vietnam. I didn't do much, mostly just packing, throwing things away (I had to toss a ton of stuff to get my suitcase below the weight limit for the plane), and working on our lesson plans. Since the trip is through the Fulbright-Hays program, we have to turn in lesson plans that we can use and share with other teachers based on our experiences. I'm working with another AP Human Geo teacher and we're going to create one lesson for each unit in the course, so teachers will be able to add to their existing curriculum easily. Today we essentially brainstormed what each lesson would be and how they fit into the course. For dinner, Nicole went to Din Tai Fung (which, if you have one of these in your area you NEED to go. It's so good!) and brought be back some bao and a chocolate bao! The chocolate one was just over the top good. We have to meet at 4:00 for the bus to the airport so it was a great night to stay in and go to bed early. We all got a bunch of laundry done too so we'd have fresh clothes for Vietnam. 

The zoo was amazing. Hot, of course, but the animals were super cute. We took an Uber over to save time and energy for the day, then hit up McDonald's for breakfast. They didn't actually have breakfast still on since we took our time in a slow morning, so I got a big mac meal for $145 NTD, which is about $4.50 US. Even McDonald's is cheaper here!

The main animals we wanted to see were the pandas and the penguins. We managed to see both even though they're on opposite sides of the zoo, so that was pretty good! This post will basically just be animal photos. :)

The panda house was air conditioned but they were still feeling pretty sleepy. My favorite shot is the one of the panda just flat on it's back airing their belly out. 

Various orangutans were hanging out talking to each other. They were so loud!
And this one was hanging out in the shade just unable to deal with all the screaming!
Black swans.
Malayan Tapir
Sun Bear - look at those claws!
I love elephants, especially their eyes. They just look so cute and loving. The first two are Asian and the last one is the African Bush elephant. 

King Penguins! I love penguins, and every time I see them I flash back to a book on animals of the Arctic I had growing up. I swear I read that thing about 150 times and I can still see the pages in my mind. 
The brown bear was was too hot to move and was sleeping in the corner where they could hardly be seen. Same, bear, same. 
The red panda was adorable and they fed it just as we came up, so we saw it running around and snacking. The photo with it's tongue out might be about my favorite animal photo I've taken ever. 

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