Friday, June 15, 2012

Rome day one

Yesterday in Rome was a crazy day. I got one of the hop on hop off tours because I didn't want to deal with public transportation. I think it was a smart decision. First I went to the Colosseum. I managed to get a dual tour of that and the forum, plus a ticket for Paletine Hill for €22 instead of paying €15 for each one. That was nice! The Colosseum tour was ok, the woman had a little mic on and we each got a radio so we could all hear her. I kept wandering a little bit away from the group because there were so many of us it was hard to see anything. The Colosseum itself is massive. I never noticed before that there are no seats remaining. A lot of it has been reconstructed, partially in ancient times, but there are just pieces of the place where seats would be, not the seats themselves. I loved it that the whole place could be emptied in 15 minutes due to the set up though.

Then I walked over to the forum and took the pictures of Trajan's column to use in class. I got a walking meal and headed to my forum tour. This woman was much better as a tour guide. She is an archaeologist, so she new a ridiculous amount of information. I was in a group of kindred spirits too, where we all were seriously interested in history and asked good questions. At one point we were supposed to be done but we weren't, so she asked us if we wanted to continue and got a resounding yes! So we got an extra 30+ minutes of touring.

Then I went back to the bus and rode around for a while. I was so tired I ended up napping on the tour bus, that's why it's a good thing I got that ticket instead of taking public transportation! I wasn't the only one though, half the bus was snoozing by that point. Then I went to the Trevi Fountain and came back to my hotel room. I meant to take a quick nap and go out for dinner, but I ended up sleeping from 5:30-this morning. Oops!

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