Thursday, June 7, 2012

So much has happened!

So much has happened its hard to know what to update. The little bits I'm doing with the pictures will have to do for a lot of it since I don't have three hours to type. Just know this: I am in awe of the age of things here. When everything I'm seeing predates the US, it's crazy!

Yesterday and today were pretty much both spent in the car in pissing down rain, to steal a British expression. We went to Killarney and saw a cool medieval tower house, after a 5.2 k hike. I'm still sore. Plus I'm pretty sure I insulted the tour guide when I said the house was smaller than I expected. It's a huge tower house, but I kind of had castle in my head and thought it would be bigger. Oops!

Today we drove to Kilkenny, known as the medieval city. We are here for two nights, so Finn and I took tonight off again. We had a good time in the hotel pool and then ordered room service. Now we are watching bad British tv. There is nothing over here! I thought American tv was bad.

Tomorrow we are going to do a bike tour of town. I'm kind of scared for that, and am hoping the town is mostly flat! I'm thinking I'm going to pre-dose myself with Advil just in case.

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