Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Harry Potter take two

The nighttime interior of the Knight Bus.
The Potter House. I saw the real one in England last time I was here out near Stonehenge.
She was actually puking in the bucket.
This is the model they would use for big shots, and when they wanted to show the whole castle. It looks amazing on camera.
I have no idea why that last post didn't work so I'm trying again. Sorry!  
The entrance. You'll notice no one is in front of me...I got to the front again, and was on the first bus there. :)
I tried to get a picture of me with the cupboard but the woman couldn't work my camera. This will have to do. Those are movie worn glasses!
Rocking the Ravenclaw. :) The Great Hall is "film ready" which means it looks great on camera and they could come back and film right away.
My favorite character, I model myself after her.
The hallway at the Leaky Cauldron. This is a special effect to make it longer on film, it's a miniature.

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