Saturday, June 4, 2016


According to the caption from the National Portrait Museum, King George III had an "obstinate attitude towards the colonies" which lead to the American Revolution. I kind of love how restrained that is compared to how he's described in the US and I'm going to steal it if I ever teach about him. :)
I loved this portrait of the two Princes. It just shows their personalities and felt much freer than most of the portraits of royalty. There was a beautiful one of Princess Diana that I didn't get a picture of, just after the engagement to Charles was announced, and it had some of the same feeling.
Planes from various wars. This is the Imperial War Museum, and it was a very interesting museum. Seeing wars I've studied so much from a different perspective is always interesting.
When you see a shrapnel shell cut open like this, it drives it home as to how much damage they would do. It isn't the initial concussion that gets you, it's the explosion after.
British humor in the midst of war? Is British humor not much more than gallows humor or is that only during specific times when things are all terrible anyway?
The smallest surviving ship from the rescue at Dunkirk. I always try to impress on the kids how dangerous that was for the rescuers because of the size of the ships they were in, and this will help get the point across.
I always see marching bands and break dancers. Here's the band for this trip! This was the changing of the horse guard. I was very very tired, walking home because I couldn't find the tube station, and went through a park. Then I saw lots of people gathering and found out it was the changing of the horse guard. Using my super long lens I was able to get some decent shots before I started freezing and had to leave. Seriously, it feels like Colorado winter here and it's summer.
I don't know why but I just loved this police dog. He was just chillin', sniffing, and having a good time while working.

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